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    Please be sure to get permission from your teacher before using the home page in the practice room or in Sado schools.
  • For use in schools or other public facilities, permission should be requested in writing from the Fushin'an office.
    Materials may not be used without permission from the Fushin'an office.
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    Please be sure to get permission from your teacher before using the home page in the practice room or in Sado schools.
  • Please inform the Fushin'an office, if you want a link to the Omotesenke home page.
    Please use the address HYPERLINK "" to set up a link.


The copyright, ownership and intellectual property rights of all of the material (writing; photographs; design; trademark) on 'Omotesenke Information' and on all of the related URLs belong exclusively to Omotesenke (Fushin'an Foundation, Incorporated Association of Omotesenke Domonkai).
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Omotesenke (Fushin'an Foundation, Incorporated Association of Omotesenke Domonkai) will do everything possible to protect the personal data of users of the home page and to collect, handle and store such information in an appropriate way, according to the laws relating to the protection of personal information.


Omotesenke (Fushin'an Foundation, Incorporated Association of Omotesenke Domonkai, Fushin'an Bunko) cannot accept any responsibility for any problems that arise from the use of the information on the Omotesenke home page or from damage to software or hardware or any other damage that arises from use of this site.
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